What is Aqua Metals, Inc.'s stock symbol?

Our stock is traded on the Nasdaq under the symbol AQMS.

When was Aqua Metals, Inc. incorporated?

June 20, 2014

When did Aqua Metals, Inc. become a public company?

Aqua Metals' initial public offering was on July 31, 2015. The IPO was priced at $5 per share.

Where is Aqua Metals, Inc. located?

Corporate headquarters:
5370 Kietzke Lane, Suite 201
Reno, NV 89511

When is Aqua Metals, Inc.'s fiscal year end?

December 31st

Who is Aqua Metals, Inc.'s transfer agent?

VStock Transfer, LLC
18 Lafayette Place,
Woodmere, New York 11598

Who is Aqua Metals, Inc.'s independent auditor?

Armanino LLP

Who is Aqua Metals, Inc.'s outside legal counsel?

Greenberg Traurig, LLP